RNAcentral is a comprehensive and integrated database that serves as the primary reference resource for all types of non-coding RNA sequences, providing unified access to data from dozens of expert databases.
SRA is NCBI's primary archive of high-throughput sequencing data and serves as the world's largest publicly available repository of raw next-generation sequence data.
RefSeq is NCBI's comprehensive and non-redundant database providing curated reference standards for genomic, transcript, and protein sequences across multiple species.
miRBase is a biological database that serves as the primary repository for microRNA sequences and annotations.
Expression Atlas is a database and web tool that provides information about gene and protein expression across species, tissues, and conditions.
ArrayExpress is a comprehensive database of functional genomics experiments archiving high-throughput functional genomics data from microarray and sequencing platforms. Hosted by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), it serves as a crucial repository for gene expression data and supports MIAME-compliant data submissions.
GEO Database