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DNA Data Bank of Japan

Bioinformation and DDBJ Center provides sharing and analysis services for data from life science researches and advances science.


Bioinformation and DDBJ Center (BI-DDBJ) collects nucleotide sequence data as a member of INSDC(International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration) and provides freely available nucleotide sequence data and supercomputer system, to support research activities in life science.


It is generally accepted that research in biology today requires both computer and experimental equipment equally well. Information achieved from enormous exhaustive data have greatly contributed to the paradigm shift in biology. Biology or life sciences are no longer restricted to wet-bench experiments. In silico and in vitro / in vivo analyses together will push back the frontiers of life sciences. In particular, researchers in life science must rely on computers to analyze nucleotide sequence data accumulating at a remarkably rapid rate. Actually, this triggered the birth and development of information biology. BI-DDBJ is to play a major role in carrying out research in information biology and to run DDBJ operation in the world.

The principal purpose of BI-DDBJ operations is to improve the quality of INSD, as public domains. When researchers make their data open to the public through INSD and commonly shared in world wide, we at BI-DDBJ make efforts to describe information on the data as rich as possible, according to the unified rules of INSD, preferably without any stress by using DDBJ.

Nucleotide sequence records organismic evolution more directly than other biological materials and thus is invaluable not only for research in life sciences but also human welfare in general. The database is, so to speak, a common treasure of human beings. With this in mind, we make the database online accessible to anyone in the world.




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