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China National GeneBank DataBase (CNGBdb) is a unified platform built for biological big data sharing and application services to the research community.


What is CNGBdb ?

China National GeneBank DataBase (CNGBdb) is a unified platform built for biological big data sharing and application services to the research community. Based on the big data and cloud computing technologies, it provides data services such as archive, analysis, knowledge search, management authorization, and visualization. At present, CNGBdb has integrated large amounts of internal and external molecular data and other information from CNGB, NCBI, EBI, DDBJ, etc., indexed by search, covering 10 data structures. Moreover, CNGBdb correlates living sources, biological samples and bioinformatic data to realize the traceability of comprehensive data.

CNGBdb Data Resources

Based on the internal data source from CNGB and external data source from NCBI, EBI, DDBJ, etc., and following the data standards of international standard alliance such as INSDC, DataCite, GA4GH, GGBN, ACMG, CNGBdb builds data structures covering literature, gene, variation, protein, etc., and provides data sharing and application services such as data archive, query and retrieval, and analysis.

CNGBdb data source

Overview of CNGB China National GeneBank (CNGB) is one of the key science infrastructures in Shenzhen, approved and funded by the Chinese government. CNGB is committed to supporting public welfare, life science research, innovation and industry development, through effective bioresource conservation, digitalization and utilization.

China National GeneBank (CNGB) is owned by the government and operated independently by BGI-Research under the guidance and supervision of State High-Tech Industrial Innovation Center, Shenzhen (HIIC).

CNGB is a public, non-profit, open, and enabling platform. It facilitates advanced genomics R&D and technology transfer to industrial application, including precision medicine, agriculture, marine sciences and microbial application, towards its mission of making genetic resources "Owned by All, Completed by All and Shared by All".


  • Publisher
  • Websitedb.cngb.org
  • Published date2024/11/16



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